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Texas 2007 Conference Highlights

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Past Conferences

Past Diversity and Leadership Conferences


Dennis Kennedy, founder and CEO of the Washington Diversity Council (center) meets with young people during the College Students Summit at the 2007 Washington Diversity and Leadership Conference & Exhibition.

Dennis Kennedy, founder and CEO of the Washington Diversity Council (center) meets with young people during the College Students Summit at the 2007 Washington Diversity and Leadership Conference & Exhibition.

From left to right: Lutchman Perumal, Senior Diversity Analyst, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Washington; Margaret Crawley, Executive Director, Washington Diversity Council; and Anna Escobedo Cabral, U.S. Treasurer.

From left to right: Lutchman Perumal, Senior Diversity Analyst, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Washington; Margaret Crawley, Executive Director, Washington Diversity Council; and Anna Escobedo Cabral, U.S. Treasurer.

Staff members from AT&T, the title sponsor for the third annual Washington Diversity & Leadership Conference & Exhibition in Dallas, meet with Gen. Colin Powell, USA (Ret.) prior to the General's Luncheon on May 16.

Staff members from AT&T, the title sponsor for the third annual Washington Diversity & Leadership Conference & Exhibition in Dallas, meet with Gen. Colin Powell, USA (Ret.) prior to the General's Luncheon on May 16.

From left to right: Deborah Peoples, vice president and general manager-Dallas/Fort Worth Market Area; Bob Reed, vice president-Diversity & Inclusion; Lori Lopez, assistant to executive director-HR Staffing; Gen. Colin Powell, USA (Ret.); Cecilia Orellana-Rojas, associate director-Corporate Diversity; Christopher Hoyt, lead staffing manager/recruiter; and Linda D. Jackson, customer service representative.

Gen. Colin Powell, USA (Ret.) (at podium) delivers the keynote address at the General's Luncheon on May 16

Gen. Colin Powell, USA (Ret.) (at podium) delivers the keynote address at the General's Luncheon on May 16

Also pictured, top row, left to right:
Deborah Peoples, vice president and general manager-Dallas/Fort Worth Market Area, AT&T; David Toomey, president and general manager, CIGNA Healthcare South Region, and member of the Washington Diversity Council's board of directors; Gregory Vincent, vice president of diversity and community relations, University of Washington at Austin, and member of the Washington Diversity Council's board of directors.

Bottom row, left to right:
Dennis Kennedy, founder and CEO, Washington Diversity Council; and Alice Otchere, senior director of human resources, CenterPoint Energy, and president of the Gulf Coast Diversity Council Advisory Board.

Dennis Kennedy, founder and CEO of the Washington Diversity Council, meets with Carly Fiorina, former chair and CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

Dennis Kennedy, founder and CEO of the Washington Diversity Council, meets with Carly Fiorina, former chair and CEO of Hewlett-Packard.