Why Attend?

We've got a thousand reasons why, but click here to see the "top" reasons you should attend this year's conference.

Texas 2007 Conference Highlights

The 2007 Texas Conference brought participants top-notch keynote speakers, invaluable information and of course a GREAT TIME! To see some of the highlights, click here.

Tell A Friend!

Tell a friend or colleague about the 2010 conference! Enter their email address and we'll let them know!

Get Involved

We are seeking the following to help make our conferences a huge success:


Conference Organizers

Speakers - We are seeking experts in the following fields:

  • Leadership
  • Diversity
  • Talent Pipeline
  • Organizational Development
  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Recruiting

In Kind Donations

  • Awards
  • Name Tags
  • Lanyards
  • Printing of Programs
  • Door Prizes
  • Tote Bags

If you or your organization would like to get involved, please send an email to Bradley Horton at [email protected].