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Additional Speakers Added Daily
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Charline Gipson
Davillier Law Group, LLC

Dr. Sharon F. Green
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Southern University at Shreveport

Toni Mobley
VP of Human Resources
Audubon Nature Institute

Darleene Darensbourg-Peters
Irwin, Fritchie, Urquhart & Moore, LLC

Lue Russell
Director, Global Accounts, HelmsBriscoe
Executive VP, National Minority Contractors Alliance

Regionald K. Seastrunk
Director, Equal Employment Opportunity Programs
Headquarters, Joint Readiness Training Center & Fort Polk

Dr. Toya Barnes-Teamer
VP of Student Success
Dillard University

Wendy Waren
VP of Communications
Louisiana Restaurant Association

Annette Wray
Service Assurance Manager
Cox Business - New Orleans

Kelly McNeil Legier, Esq.
Director of Member Outreach and Diversity

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